Curl Curl North Public School

The feel of the country in the heart of the city.

Telephone02 9474 8600

Inclusive learning support

NSW public schools are well prepared to support students with disability and additional learning and support needs and staff are ready to answer your questions.

Visit our Inclusive learning support hub for more information on:

We monitor each student's progress and provide additional learning support if this is required.

Our school uses learning programs and specialised staff where needed and we work in partnership with parents and carers to assist students who have special learning needs.

Our school is committed to working with Aboriginal parents and community members in developing personalised plans for our Aboriginal students.


Learning Support Team

The Learning and Support Team facilitates processes and strategies to maximise learning outcomes for all students.

The team is a decision making body and is able to tap into the expertise of staff and the wider resources of the Department Of Education and Communities to address the learning needs of students.

The Learning and Support Team consists of classroom teachers, members of the school executive and specialist teachers.

The Learning and Support Team coordinates the work of specialist teachers and the School Counsellor.

Learning and Support Teacher (LaST)

The Learning and Support Teacher works closely with classroom teachers to support the learning of students. The teacher coordinates Reading Support Programs for Years K-1 and provides support for students in Years 2 to 6 who are experiencing difficulty, particularly in reading and language.

English as an Additional Language Teacher (EAL)

The EAL teacher designs and delivers programs which support the English language development of students whose first language is not English. EAL programs are delivered in a variety of ways to meet the different needs of EAL students at different stages of learning English.

School Counsellor

The School Counsellor provides expert advice in relation to individual personal, social and educational aspects of child development. This is a professional and confidential service which is accessed through a referral to the Learning Support Team by the classroom teacher. Parents and Carers may seek advice from the school counselor about their child's school progress, educational options, including access to educational support services, behavior and for information about help available from other agencies. Our School Counsellor  works at Curl Curl North on Thursdays and Fridays. Please contact the school office (9905 1757) if you wish to make an appointment to see her.

Reading Recovery

Reading Recovery is a literacy program offered to Year 1 students who are experiencing difficulty learning to read and write. In addition to the class teacher's literacy program the Reading Recovery teacher works with the student on an individual program. The Reading Recovery program lasts up to twenty weeks for each student.

Student Learning Support Officers

Student Learning Support Officers work in classrooms, supporting teachers and assisting students with learning needs.